
In the world of Linux, package management is a crucial aspect that enables users to install, update, upgrade, and remove software packages efficiently. Different Linux distributions use different package managers for handling software packages, and among the most popular are apt, yum, and pacman. These tools provide a way to manage software, ensuring that users can easily keep their systems up-to-date and secure.

What Is a Package Manager?

A package manager is a tool or set of tools that automates the process of installing, upgrading, configuring, and removing software packages. It handles dependencies between packages and ensures that software is correctly integrated into the system.

Package managers typically interact with repositories, which are servers that host collections of software packages. They download packages from these repositories and manage their installation on your system.

Overview of apt, yum, and pacman

1. apt (Advanced Package Tool)

apt is the package management tool used by Debian-based distributions, such as Debian, Ubuntu, Linux Mint, and many others. It handles .deb packages and is widely used for its simplicity and robust dependency management.

Common Commands

  1. Update the Package List:
    sudo apt update

    This command updates the package list from the repositories, ensuring that you have information about the latest software versions available.

  2. Upgrade Installed Packages:
    sudo apt upgrade

    Upgrades all the installed packages to their latest versions available in the repositories.

  3. Install a Package:
    sudo apt install package_name

    Replaces package_name with the name of the software you want to install. For example, to install the curl package:

    sudo apt install curl
  4. Remove a Package:
    sudo apt remove package_name

    This command removes the specified package but leaves configuration files.

  5. Remove a Package Completely:
    sudo apt purge package_name

    Removes the package along with its configuration files.

  6. Search for a Package:
    apt search package_name

    Searches the repositories for packages that match the given name.

Example Use Case

If you want to install the git version control system on Ubuntu, you would run:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install git

This updates the package list and then installs git from the repositories.

2. yum (Yellowdog Updater Modified)

yum is the package management tool for RPM-based distributions, primarily used on CentOS, RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux), and some older versions of Fedora. It manages .rpm packages and handles software installations and upgrades.

Note: On newer versions of CentOS (CentOS 8+) and Fedora, yum has been replaced with dnf, which has similar commands but offers improvements in performance and dependency management.

Common Commands

  1. Update the Package List:
    sudo yum check-update

    Checks for available updates for installed packages.

  2. Upgrade Installed Packages:
    sudo yum update

    Updates all installed packages to their latest versions.

  3. Install a Package:
    sudo yum install package_name

    For example, to install wget:

    sudo yum install wget
  4. Remove a Package:
    sudo yum remove package_name

    Removes the specified package.

  5. Search for a Package:
    yum search package_name

    Searches for packages related to the given name.

Example Use Case

To install the httpd web server (Apache) on a CentOS system, you would run:

sudo yum install httpd

After installation, you can start the Apache service using:

sudo systemctl start httpd

3. pacman (Package Manager)

pacman is the package manager used by Arch Linux and its derivatives like Manjaro. It handles packages in the .pkg.tar.zst format and is known for its simplicity and speed. Arch Linux, being a rolling-release distribution, relies heavily on pacman to keep the system up-to-date with the latest software versions.

Common Commands

  1. Update Package List and Upgrade All Packages:
    sudo pacman -Syu

    Updates the package list (-Sy) and upgrades all installed packages (-u).

  2. Install a Package:
    sudo pacman -S package_name

    For example, to install vim:

    sudo pacman -S vim
  3. Remove a Package:
    sudo pacman -R package_name

    This command removes a package but leaves dependencies.

  4. Remove a Package and Unused Dependencies:
    sudo pacman -Rns package_name

    Removes the package along with its unused dependencies and configuration files.

  5. Search for a Package:
    pacman -Ss package_name

    Searches the repositories for a package.

Example Use Case

To install firefox on an Arch-based system, you would run:

sudo pacman -S firefox

To update the entire system, use:

sudo pacman -Syu

This ensures that you have the latest versions of all installed packages.


apt, yum, and pacman are essential tools for managing software packages on different Linux distributions. They help users and system administrators install, update, and maintain software efficiently while managing dependencies and integrating with repositories. Choosing the right package manager depends on the Linux distribution you are using, with apt being prevalent in Debian-based systems, yum for CentOS and RHEL, and pacman for Arch Linux.

Understanding these package managers is crucial for Linux users, as they simplify software management and allow for easy customization and maintenance of the system. With the right commands, you can keep your Linux system secure, up-to-date, and optimized for performance.