Using the basename Command in Bash Scripts ⋆ ALexHost SRL

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Using the basename Command in Bash Scripts

Using the basename Command in Bash Scripts

When working with Bash scripts, you often need to extract specific parts of file paths, such as filenames or file extensions. This is where the basename command comes in handy. It allows you to strip the directory path and extract only the filename or the file extension, making it an essential tool for scripting and automating tasks in Linux environments.

In this article, we will explore how to use the basename command in Bash scripts, its syntax, and common use cases that can simplify your file handling tasks.

What is the basename Command?

The basename command in Linux is used to strip the directory path and display only the filename or the filename without its extension. It is particularly useful in scripts where you need to extract a file name from a full file path. The basename command helps to keep scripts clean and focused on manipulating file names without worrying about the directory structure.

Basic Syntax of basename

basename [path] [suffix]
  • path: The full path to a file or directory.
  • suffix: An optional argument used to remove a specific suffix (such as a file extension).

Example 1: Extracting a Filename from a Path

The most common use of basename is to extract the filename from a full path. For instance:

file_name=$(basename "$file_path")
echo "The filename is: $file_name"


The filename is: report.txt

In this example, basename extracts report.txt from the provided path. This is useful when you want to work with just the file name in your script.

Example 2: Removing the File Extension

If you want to remove the file extension from the extracted filename, you can provide the extension as a second argument:

file_name=$(basename "$file_path" .txt)
echo "The filename without extension is: $file_name"


The filename without extension is: report

Here, the .txt suffix is specified, so basename strips it from the filename, leaving just report. This is particularly useful when you want to change the file extension or use the filename in a different context.

Example 3: Using basename with Looping in Scripts

The basename command is often used in loops to process multiple files in a directory. For example, if you want to iterate through all .txt files in a directory and print their names without extensions:

for file in /home/user/documents/*.txt; do
file_name=$(basename "$file" .txt)
echo "Processing file: $file_name"


Processing file: report
Processing file: notes
Processing file: summary

In this script, the loop iterates through all .txt files in the specified directory. The basename command is used to strip the path and the .txt extension, printing only the name of each file.

Example 4: Using basename in Combination with Other Commands

The basename command can be combined with other commands to create more advanced scripts. For example, you might want to copy a file to another directory while keeping only the filename:

# Extract the filename using basename
file_name=$(basename "$source_file")
# Copy the file to the destination directory with the same name
cp "$source_file" "$destination_dir/$file_name"

echo "File copied to $destination_dir/$file_name"


File copied to /home/user/backup/report.txt

In this example, the basename command is used to extract report.txt from the full path. Then, the cp command uses this filename to copy the file to the backup directory. This method ensures that the filename remains unchanged during the copy process.

Example 5: Using basename to Parse Script Arguments

You can also use basename to simplify scripts that take a file path as an argument. For example:

if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <file_path>"
exit 1

file_name=$(basename "$file_path")

echo "You provided the file: $file_name"

Save this script as and run it with a file path:

./ /home/user/documents/report.txt


You provided the file: report.txt

In this script, basename extracts the filename from the path provided as a script argument. This is a practical way to process file paths in scripts that accept user input.


The basename command is a powerful tool for handling file paths in Bash scripts. By extracting just the filename or removing extensions, it allows you to focus on the parts of the file path you care about. Whether you are processing multiple files in a loop or simply extracting a filename for display, basename can make your Bash scripts more efficient and readable.

Here’s a quick recap of what you’ve learned:

  • basename extracts filenames from file paths.
  • It can remove file extensions using a second argument.
  • It is highly useful for scripting tasks like copying files, processing arguments, or iterating over directories.

Using basename effectively can save time and make your scripts much easier to maintain. Now you can add it to your scripting toolbox and start simplifying your file handling tasks in Linux! Happy scripting!


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